The British Library – London

The British Library, UK’s national library, is regarded as one of the most important research libraries in the world.
Acquiring 13 million new collections every year, the Library owns a patrimony of more than 150 million documents and a collection of historical and artistic goods, some of which are very ancient and dating back to 300 B.C.
The library was officially opened to the public in 1973, as it was formerly part of the British Museum. The current building that houses the British Library was designed by Colin St. John Wilson: the architect built the largest public building in England in the twentieth century, with the aim of bringing together many Institutes and library collections in one place.
At the center of the building, a glass tower of six floors preserves the King’s Library, consisting of 65.000 printed volumes, manuscript books and maps from the collections of King George III, dating back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

The building of the British Library, in London.


The British Library


Perugino’s masterpieces preserved here: